If you're not singing the title of this post to "Man! I feel Like a Woman!" by Shania Twain, then you're totally doing it wrong.
Recently, I've been reconnecting with Adventure Ash. That girl is something fierce, let me tell you! She's the girl that flew abroad to start a new life. She's the one that fearlessly chats to strangers at the pub. She's that person that seizes opportunities & hops on buses, trains, and planes every chance she gets. She wants to TAKE ON THE WORLD, simply put.
I lost her for a little during the pandemic.
But recently, the blood has been rushing back into my pale cheeks. I'm remembering all the reasons I became an expat, lest I forgot about the time and money it took to get my work visa! Time to carpe that fucking diem, again (with thanks to vaccines).
I'm dreaming of those trips I'm going to take, and actually hitting the "book" button (oh sweet redemption! Oh beautiful book button, how I missed you!). I'm remembering the flexibility of my job--how I can jump on trains and work from anywhere I please. I'm feeling sweet freedom again, and tuning into the energy of expansion and possibility!
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got when I was a new little expat goes as follows: "Say yes to every invitation, unless you have 5 pence in your bank account or you're deathly ill." This is the time to SAY YES, again.
The universe is inviting us out, will you say yes?
Mais oui! Absolutely FUCKING yes!
Good for you, Ashley. Great to see you happy again!